Introducing Custom Fields for Projects
We’re excited to introduce our latest feature: Custom Fields.
While Flowcase’s selection of native fields is continuously growing, we’ve observed that many customers - even those in the same industry - have specific needs when it comes to the information they want to capture, search for, and use in proposal delivery.
Custom Fields enable our customers to track this specific project data with ease. This custom data is searchable and exportable, just as our native fields are today. Initially, there will be three types of Custom Fields that can be created, but we will be adding to this list in the future.
Custom Field types
Numeric fields
Track your custom quantitative project metrics.
Monetary fields
Record your custom financial information.
Date Range fields
Record your custom date-range information.
How to get started
To get started, reach out to your customer success manager. They will help you to choose the best solution for your use cases, and provide you with an estimated cost.
You have full control over what the label should say, and you can even add a custom tooltip to guide users what information should be captured.
Once the fields have been added to your account, they will be active on Reference Projects by default.
Will the Custom Fields be shown on project experiences in resumes / CVs?
Yes, as long as the project name and customer name matches the reference project, the custom field data will be visible on the project experiences as well. It can even be exported into your resume/CV templates. Note that to ensure a single source of truth for the project, the data is not editable within the resume/CV.
Be on the lookout for more Custom Field data types coming in the future!